The annual pre-Selichos farbrengen with Rabbi Sholom Charitonov took place in Crown Heights at the home of R' Michoel Slavin, ...
Over 200 people gathered last week at the Lubavitch House, located at 62 Singleton Road, Manchester for an impressive dinner ...
Bais Shmuel Chabad in Crown Heights gathered for an inspiring farbrengen on Motzei Shabbos followed by the first Selichos ...
Nshei Ubnos Chabad will gather in 770 Bais Moshiach downstairs in the men's section at this auspicious time, erev Rosh ...
With the busy Tishrei season approaching, this timely event will provide an essential lens for Shluchos to strengthen their ...
Numerous Selichot minyans were held at midnight on Motzei Shabbat in Moscow, the capital of Russia. Accompanied by a large ...
Rabbi Dovid Fisher, a philanthropist from Crown Heights, recently paid a visit to Beth Rivkah School, where he was moved to ...
Mrs. Chani Majesky, Director of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, recently shared a poignant and personal story on the FC ...
In response to growing concerns about new sanitation rules in Crown Heights which led to some residents receiving tickets, ...
A woman once wrote to the Rebbe seeking guidance on where to donate—towards a Sefer Torah or the construction of a new shul. presents a weekly series from the creative minds at the Jewish Children's Museum in Crown Heights. Parsha Studio ... and the Institute of Jewish Spirituality & Society will be hosting a live online webinar on the topic of changing ...