The company originally established a location in the in the Research Park at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, before ...
CGI employs 750 people spread over two offices after its initial plans were to employ 400. Total payroll impact is currently ...
Friday saw the arrival of the second of three parts of Cobra Kai‘s sixth and final season on Netflix, a batch of five episodes that features the show’s main characters competing in a global karate ...
Shares of CGI Inc. Cl A GIB.A inched 0.50% higher to C$157.19 Wednesday, in what proved to be an all-around favorable trading ...
Why do movies claim no CGI while using a ton? Discover the truth behind the VFX industry, its challenges, and the artistry ...
Robbie Williams is portrayed as a CGI monkey in trailer for biopic "Better Man," out in select theaters Dec. 25.
"Blitz" director Steve McQueen and production designer Adam Stockhausen built and destroyed practical sets instead of using ...