Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will this evening attand the ceremony on the occasion of the completion of works on The St ...
Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP), the Criminal Police Directorate, on the order of the Special Department for Suppression of Corruption of the.
Dejan Dragijevic and Srdjan Jankovic have been indicted for the murder of 2-year-old Danka Ilic, while Dejan's father, ...
The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, said today that the "worn out and stale" slanders and accusations against Serbia and.
Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesic said that today that after a five-year break, Air Serbia ...
The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Kraljevo, which is conducting the investigation into a traffic accident that ...
President Aleksandar Vucic today, at its invitation, attended a Government session, and the second extraordinary session of the Headquarters for Emergency.
Pukovnik Avišaj Adre, portparol IDF na arapskom jeziku, objavio je uz poruku i mape koje pozivaju civile da se distanciraju ...
Večeras je u srpskoj prestonici održana svečana dodela nagrada "City Records"-a, koja je okupila brojne zvezde sa muzičke ...
Suđenje Veljku Belivuku, Marku Miljkoviću i njihovom kriminalnom klanu nastavljeno je danas u Specijalnom sudu u Beogradu ...
Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić rekao je u ponedeljak uveče da on i bivši predsednik Crne Gore Milo Đukanovvić imaju jednu ...
Muškarac iz Teksasa suočava se sa suđenjem kako bi se utvrdilo da li je odgovoran za izgladnjivanje svog četvorogodišnjeg ...