Sit with Dr. Jules Arita Koostachin and unravel the tangled threads of silence suffered by residential school Survivors through truth, freedom and power, in this deeply personal, award-winning short ...
This short animation transports us from the farthest conceivable point of the universe to the tiniest particle of existence, an atom of a living human cell. The art of animation and animation camera ...
Why? sets out to spark the dialogue needed to end gender-based violence by talking to both young men, witnesses to the prevailing culture, and young women survivors ...
In October 1970, members of the Front de libération du Québec kidnapped minister Pierre Laporte, unleashing an unprecedented crisis in Quebec. Fifty years later, Félix Rose tries to understand what ...
A selection of films by Indigenous filmmakers and allies about the tragic impact of residential schools in Canada. ***If you have been affected by the residential school system and need help, you can ...
In this film, On the Spot series host Fred Davis sets out to learn about the art of photography. Amateur, commercial, news and portrait photographers discuss the tricks of their trade when Davis pays ...
A single IQ test and misguided 'science' irreparably changed the life of a 14-year-old Canadian girl. This documentary follows Leilani Muir's search for justice and explores how eugenics (improving ...
In a pounding critique of Canada's colonial history, this short film draws parallels between the annihilation of the bison in the 1890s and the devastation inflicted on the Indigenous population by ...
A grandmother tells her young grandchild the moving tale of a lonely girl and an unforgettable magical cat in this animated short narrated by Oscar®, Emmy and Tony award winner Maureen Stapleton. The ...
Kamala Todd's short film is a lyrical portrait of Cease Wyss, of the Squamish Nation. Wyss is a woman who understands the remarkable healing powers of the plants growing all over downtown Vancouver.
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Pour l’anniversaire de son grand-père, Iris veut lui envoyer une carte. L’idée est touchante, mais Cathon ne voudrait surtout pas que son amie utilise ses timbres de collection. A-t-on vraiment déjà ...