Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and UBS are global coordinators on the trade, with Barclays, Bank of America, BNP ...
Although investors had their pick of roughly €2.92bn in issuance volume, most managers were able to clinch very tight spreads ...
Alliander’s deal commanded €2.5bn of peak demand, which dropped to €2bn of final orders, a 20% fall, compared to more than 30 ...
One of the biggest attractions of sukuk for issuers is they are cheaper to issue compared to conventional bonds. An ...
A second banker said that changes in other European government bond yields, such as widening OATs, dominated the EU’s ...
EU banks hit the senior market with green bonds ◆ SMFG's first deal in 15 months benefits from scarcity value ◆ Landsbankinn ...
A trio of German issuers was all the SSA market had to look at on Monday, although issuance is expected to pick up later in ...
Deal follows recent tier two success ◆ Issuers 'need to be fair' when approaching market ◆ LBBW announces Berlin Hyp rebrand ...
Tornator, a Finnish sustainable forestry company, has refinanced and extended green lending facilities, as some bankers say ...
In euros, Stellantis’ 3.5% September 2030s opened the day at an I-spread of 141bp and were bid at 152bp just after UK ...
Because this is Romgaz’s debut Eurobond, the banker said there is no fair value figure. The gas company plans to issue more ...
New dollar bonds from two Turkish banks seemed to be being printed smoothly on Monday, despite reticence from investors ...