An artist's rendering of what's called an active galactic nucleus at the center of NGC 4151. The galaxy's black hole sits at the center, immediately surrounded by an accretion disk shown in blue.
A schematic shows how the XRISM mission can take spectra from different parts of an active galactic nucleus: the thin, hot accretion disk; an intermediate zone called the broad-line region; and a ...
Purdue researchers Ankita Raturi (left) and Lori Hoagland (right) recently received a $3.5M grant with collaborators around the nation to develop new tools and strategies for tomato organic management ...
Md Toukir Ahmed, doctoral student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, takes a photo of a sweet potato with a hyperspectral camera.
New findings on how past viral respiratory infections affect future, unrelated ones could lead to therapies for boosting general antiviral immunity—and potentially pandemic preparedness.