Boikot lewat medsos Terlepas dari perkembangan tagar tersebut, fenomena boikot terhadap produk ini pernah terjadi sebelumnya ketika merek Sari Roti diperlakukan serupa. Ketika itu merek Sari Roti ...
Produk roti putih dan roti manisnya serta tepung roti dipasarkan dengan merek Sari Roti, sementara produk kuenya dipasarkan dengan nama Sari Cake. Produk-produknya didistribusikan melalui pasar modern ...
We'll unveil the top 10 clothing brand logos that have conquered the fashion industry and left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness. If there's one thing that can instantly grab our ...
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The graduation ceremony at the Cathrine Mcauley Early Childhood Development School in Kiunga celebrated the achievement of 45 children, including three with special needs.